Understanding your options to make better HR decisions

Little attention is paid to human resource management until problems arise that directly affect day-to-day operations: unexpected resignations, presenteeism, demotivation, grievances, unjustified grievances, laxity or abusive demands.

Whether you are at the very heart of an HR storm or want to put in place best practices to avoid the crisis, Antonelli & Morel RH Consultants assist you towards stability, supported by a strong corporate culture that promotes loyalty, commitment and motivation of your teams.

Let's make an appointment

A structured, efficient and sustainable approach

1. Exploratory meeting

Gathering informations on your company, its history, its issues and its HR challenges.

2. Diagnosis and strategy

Presentation of our analysis and options to solve or prevent problems.

3. Implementation

Implementation and execution of the action plan and support at each stage of its fulfillment

4. Findings and follow-ups

Assessment of progress and strategy ensuring the maintenance and sustainability of achievements.

Experience the Antonelli & Morel HR Consulting approach

Let's make an appointment

When to call on our experts?

It's time to act as soon as you see the early signs of a potential HR crisis:

  • Frequent and unexpected resignations.
  • Complaints and absenteeism on the rise.
  • Costly errors that accumulate.
  • Conflicts and grievances difficult to manage.
  • Unreasonable claims or demands.

Our advisors have many years of experience in human resources and industrial relations and have worked with companies of various sizes and sectors. They will be able to put their expertise, their ability to listen and their solutions at your service to make your company a productive and fulfilling work environment for all.


Behind every successful business is a person who made a courageous decision.


-Peter Drucker

Expertise Commitment Solutions

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